Saturday, May 16, 2009

School is OVER!!

So glad that school is finally over and summer has finally begun!! WOO HOO! And my baby will be here next week!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Day

Happy Mommy-to-be-day! And to all the other wonderful moms that do so much!

Sunday, May 3, 2009


Okay so I really hope that I understood the last email saying that we didn't have to blog anymore? I don't want to misunderstand it and then get counted off! That would stink....

Monday, April 20, 2009


My mom is driving me nuts. I am her daughter why does she have to be negative and mean? She should be the one that is super nice and encouraging. People are just really starting to get to me. I guess this is what happens when you only have less than 6 weeks left!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Cash FINALLY went #2 on the potty! I know I probably sound ridiculous but you have no idea how long we have been trying!! He almost brought me to tears. I was just folding laundry and he told me and I was thinking yeah right but okay we will try. Sure enough he proved me wrong!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


I hate accounting. It is the worst class in the whole entire world. Plus, I have to take Accounting 2....blah!

Monday, April 13, 2009


Adventureland was the worst movie I have seen in a long time!! It says it's a comedy but it wasn't even funny!!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Rain Rain Go Away

I think it's funny that there is such a conspiracy toward Jeremiah when he wants to play golf. He has not been very nice so I don't feel bad for him.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Finally the Weekend!

I am so happy it is the weekend because I get the time off work. But, sadly I live a boring life so my weekend will consist of babysitting Friday night, finishing up on homework, and finishing laundry. Guess this is the enjoyment of being pregnant. Did I mention I only have 7 more weeks!! WOO HOO!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Bad Day!!

I find it really sad that I have a lot of titles on this thing that read, "Bad Day." But, as always, today was another one!! Went to the Dr. BY MYSELF because Jeremiah was tired. Boo-freaking-hoo....he made me cry than I went to work, than school, than birthing class. Now I am home and he's yet still making me mad.....welcome to my world.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


I am not sure what I am doing for Easter. I hope I am going to Mema's she always has the best food! MMMM

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


My best friend is a 2-year-old. Not even my own child! But I love him to death. I come see him almost every day and I love how he is always excited to see me! "Oh Pickles!"

Monday, April 6, 2009


I hate this job. Seriously, I cannot stand to be here another day. But I only have to keep thinking June 1 and that is IT!!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

I am on a mission today!

I am going to get so much accomplished today! That is my goal. So far I have gotten up at 9 AM on my day off, finished my homework from last week, started homework from this week, and played on the computer. Things I still need to do are take champ for a walk, go to target, organize Rylan's room, go to BAM and buy Love Dare, and maybe make time for a nap!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Long Day....

Today has been a long day. Went to the Dr. this morning everything was very good. We have to watch an epidural video next week. His head was down which means he's almost ready to come out!!! WOO HOO

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Lazy Day

I don't have to be to work until 1. Which is really nice because I got to sleep in. But on the contrary, it sucks because it is Miah's day off and I have to work all night! Bummer.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Hard to be back....

I have summer fever! The break made me realize how bad I want summer to be school, no homework, free to do whatever all day, and new this summer....MY SON! It is hard coming back because now I don't want to do any school work I just want to slack off.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Baby Shower

I had the biggest baby shower in the whole world! There was over 60 people there!! But it was so much fun and I loved seeing everyone together!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Want to go home....

I now want to never work again.....I would rather just stay home and not do anything. But how would I make money. If someone could please figure this out and let me know!!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Corey is coming home!!

Work is going by SOOOOO slow today!! I have to go get Corey when I get off. I can't wait I am so excited!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Squeaky Clean!

I just finished cleaning Cristal's house....all by myself OF COURSE!! Corey comes tomorrow I am really excited but I have ALOT to do before she gets here.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Ready to go Home!

I have been at work since 8 this morning. Kres had 6 girls spend the night so I have had ALL of them ALL day!! Ugh go home people!!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Bad Day (Again)

This morning I woke up and was just watching television. I heard Jeremiah having a seizure so I went down to check on him. Than he went to work shortly after, and Grandmas called me and he had another one at work!! POOR KID!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Doctor Day

Today we go to the doctor! Actually, in about an hour we go. I'm excited because I love going but I'm a little nervous to find out the results of my glucose test. Hope everything goes well!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Good Morning!

Just got to work it is 8:00 in the morning. I did good getting up this morning and Cash is still asleep so hopefully today will go by really fast.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Nap time...

Just woke up from a nap and it was wonderful! I have not gotten used to waking up at 7.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Work Day!

Today is my day off but I actually have more work to do! BOO I have a lot of homework to finish and I have to take a bunch of Mid-terms.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Shelby's Game

Tonight we went to Shelby's district championship game and it was super sad because they lost. Everyone was really emotional. Plus that was the second year in a row that that has happened.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

It wasn't bad!!

I had my glucose test this morning and it wasn't bad at all! The drink didn't taste bad like everyone told me it would and sitting there for an hour wasn't bad either! Bunch of liars.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Tired Today!

I wanna go home! I have only been at work for 45 minutes and I'm ready to crawl back in bed....I have to take Gizmo to the vet and maybe cash to the Dr.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Better Today

Today has gone better so far! Although, I did have a rude awakening because I fell back asleep after I turned my alarm off. But I woke up with 15 minutes till it was time to leave so I hurried. As I was driving to work though I noticed I didn't feel as tired as yesterday so maybe I'm already getting back in the swing of things!!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Bad Day

Today was my first day back to work after over 2 weeks off. It was horrible. I was not used to getting up at 7 in the morning and that was a huge smack in the face. To top it all off, she made me stay for 10 hours. I was cranky, pregnant, and wanted to go home!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Rock Chalk Jayhawk!

I had a wonderful morning! Jeremiah and I got up really early it was nice! And I'm going to church and I can't wait to watch KU beat MU it is going to make my day!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Angry again

I am so discouraged. I want to know who the heck thought of these stupid classes you have to take in order to get a degree! I HATE accounting and I never ever ever want to be an account but yet I have to have 2 freaking accounting classes in order to get a Business Degree! I don't know what I am going to do and I think it is stupid!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Rest Day

Today I have nothing to do! I can sit at home ALL day and I am super excited about it!

Monday, February 23, 2009


Today we went down to Leslie. It would have been a lot more fun if I wasn't getting sick the whole time. We got a lot accomplished.

Sunday, February 22, 2009


I am getting so angry with a group I have to work with in another class. At first everything was great, now no one will respond to anything and all the work is due tomorrow and we have NOTHING! What do I do?

Saturday, February 21, 2009


Today I have to buckle down and get my house clean! Everyone will be here tomorrow. I'm cooking lasagna, salad, and garlic bread! YUM

Friday, February 20, 2009


I'm sooo excited. Sunday night my parents are coming over to see my house and the FINISHED baby room! I have lived here for a year and this is the first time they are going to see my house. haha


I'm sooo excited. Sunday night my parents are coming over to see my house and the FINISHED baby room! I have lived here for a year and this is the first time they are going to see my house. haha

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Good to be Home!

It took us 12 hours to get home yesterday. We left at 9 am (Florida time) and rode a Shuttle for 3 hours to Miami. Than a plane ride to Memphis. Lay over was 2 hours or was soooo boring! Than an hour plane ride to Springfield and a hour drive home! We were exhausted by the time we got home!

Monday, February 16, 2009


We have had an incredible time in Florida. Jeremiah got to go scuba diving with Mike yesterday and he got to see an 8 foot shark! The shark swam circles around them and he said he was very scared! He saw huge fish and said it was beautiful. I will miss the weather here I love the 80 degree weather and do not want to go back to 30 degrees in Missouri!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Key West Rocks!

I am soooo loving Key West! It's pretty much the best place ever! Today the girls are just hanging around until 3 than we get to go to our SPA DAY! and the boys went scuba diving. I totally wish I could have gone because I love scuba diving but apparantly I'm not suppose to :(

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine's Day

This morning didn't go so great....all the kids were being very loud and then after I came out to yell at them they decided to go and bang on the bedroom window.....

ON A BRIGHTER NOTE!! My wonderful boyfriend rented us a boat in Key West for V-day and we will be enjoying a wonderful day!!

Friday, February 13, 2009


Today is the 2nd day in Key West and I'm just looking forward to relaxing under the sun! Maybe laying out by the pool or swimming in the ocean in the backyard! :)

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Great first day!

We went down to Key West today and went to the beach. It was absolutely goregous! The ocean was blue, there were giant pelicans that would dive into the ocean, and we all had a great time!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Key West here we come!!

We leave for Key West in the morning! Like 4 in the morning to be exact. I'm going to work my last day of work right now and its going to be crazy since Cristal is not ready at all!! Wish me luck....

Monday, February 9, 2009

Home Sweet Home

I finally have one day off and am spending all day at home!! WOO HOO.....but tomorrow I have to work and then Wednesday we are off to Key West!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Good Luck......

Cristal is having surgery today and I just want to wish her good luck and a fast recovery! (so that we can go to Key West next week!!)

Thursday, February 5, 2009


So I hate my job and I need a new one! I'm sick of cleaning their 10 bedroom house with a little toothbrush all by myself! I'm suppose to have help but do you think anyone helps Plus this week I have to do it twice!! Not fair. I'm suppose to be cleaning right now but I'll show them! ha cause I'm on the computer.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Has this ever happened to you? Because I get VERY angry everytime it happens to me!.....When you are going through a drive-thru and you are the only car in line. You order your food and they say, "Pull ahead to window 1." Well as your trying to get to window 1 you have to reach in your purse/wallet to get your money and the lady is sticking her head out the window to motion that you need to hurry up. How am I suppose to have time to count my money and get it ready in 5 seconds? It's not like I can have my money ready ahead of time because I don't know how much its going to cost. It is just sooooo frustrating!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


I am finally having my first day off!! I had to work for 2 weeks straight and it was awful because the kids were out of school ALL WEEK because of snow!!

Sunday, February 1, 2009


Tonight is the Super Bowl! Woo Hoo....I could really careless who wins but I'm going for the Cardinals only because they are the underdog and have already made it this far!!

Saturday, January 31, 2009


I am SOOO thankful I got away! Ihaven't written in a couple days because of the bad storm! The kids were out of school all week! They only went on Monday for a couple hours. Last night I finally dropped them off at their grandparents and got a night alone! Today I picked them up and we went shopping because I was so sick of being stuck at their house for 5 days I dredded going back!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Ready to go home!

I am watching the kids. I had off last night because they stayed with their Aunt but it's only been a few hours today and I already want to go home! I have to stay till February.....this sucks!!!

Saturday, January 24, 2009


I am a nanny and one of "my children" is Kresleigh and she's 9. Today I had to read her books about Where I Came From? and What's Happening To Me? It went ok tho! I was surprised how well she took it. She was a little uncomforable talking about sex but she understood. Now she understands everything about me being pregnant and what happened and what's going to happen when the baby comes.

Friday, January 23, 2009


Today was a blah day....I did nothing just worked but I did get to come home and I thought I would have to stay at work :) YAY!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Wonderful Day

Today was an awesome day the weather was extremely nice not to hot, not to cold. We ran errands all day so I could be outside! and not cooped up in my house. We also took Champ (my dog) for a walk it was very nice not having anything to do all day on such a beautiful day......hard to believe its JANUARY!!!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

YaY for me!!

I am so excited I just found out that I get to go to Key West for a week over Valentine's Day!! We have two friends that are living down there for 2 months and we are going to go stay with them!! So....goodbye cold weather...HELLO bright sunny beach!! I can't wait.

Monday, January 19, 2009


I hate how it's my day off and I wake up at 8 in the morning!! It's horrible and I just want to sleep but I can't!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Not a good day

I havent been feeling very good for a couple days now. :( To much excitement with the new baby! Ha I don't really know if that's it but it is not any fun thats for sure!

Friday, January 16, 2009


ITS A BOY!! We were VERY excited and just can't wait for him to be here. It put everything into perspective after seeing him on the screen. We were both almost in tears! We say all his parts: head, neck, spine, 2 arms, 2 legs, torso, hands, and feet, and of course HIS part...haha.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Tomorrow is the day!!

Tomorrow I get to find out if I'm having a boy or girl. I cannot wait! I'm sooo excited. At first I wanted a girl but now I'm wanted a boy so I guess either way it does not matter.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


WOO HOO!!! Finally got this thing to work....I was getting a little worried.

I think I'm going to setup my blog as a memento to being pregnant. Something I can look back on and see how I was feeling. Right now I'm 20 weeks pregnant (5 months) and just made it halfway!